Criteria for an epic TV show

Everybody has that one show, guilty pleasure or not, that they snuggle up to snigger, sob or scream at. I have several of these and therefore no life. However, I’ve been thinking, what makes this show so attractive? Why is it this particular plot and these fictional characters that get me pining for the next […]


I think I get far too attached to fictional media. It’s no wonder though, what with all these writers creating beautiful, believable and beloved personas who drift into our dreams and steal our hearts and lock them in your favourite novel or drama series. Seriously though, when you’re in that “third place” – not quite […]

What if the big secret was made to be kept?

So, any fans of the sit-com “How I Met Your Mother” should know that a monumental thing happened last night. *SPOILER ALERT* Guys, we met the mother. We’ve giggled our way through 8 seasons of the slightly repetitive and finally, we met the girl with the yellow umbrella. But to be honest, do we really […]