“Life is too easy for young people today. They lack challenges and don’t have to fight for anything”

Pressure. Whether to fit in or to have our 50-year-plan by thirteen years old, there is an awful lot of the stuff drowning in our hormones. The fear of being a failure is constant; we are encouraged to map our life out ahead of us whilst tentatively teetering around the downward spiral that is the […]

Lets all curl up in a hole because we’re teenagers.

When you watch the family rom-coms about temporary, petty divorces or affairs or people taking up obscure hobbies or getting fired or needing money or taking a vacation, something they are always highlighting is the featured character’s mid-life crisis. But no-one ever tells you about the crisis that starts in year 7 until you complete education. Just this week […]

High School Immaturity

Some think teenagers have complex minds, and don’t understand why we feel the need to relate everything to sex. Ironically, we don’t either. It could be because it’s hilarious however it’s probably because everyone says we are like this, so we are. We follow the public opinion. To be honest I don’t think it’s because […]