
As House Leader/Overton Bitch/Heir to the Overton Throne, I was asked to participate in an assembly. Frankly, I hadn’t done much yet in my role so I decided to go ahead with it.  The teacher had allocated us each an area to talk about and she would lead the assembly with a powerpoint glaring behind […]

Any. Other. Colour.

Today was one of those days where we pay a pound to go to school and be frowned upon for not wearing a skimpy skater skirt or our outfit isn’t so fetch! But to make matters worse there was a criteria for today’s humiliation. Not only did we have to suffer for our un-on-trendiness we […]

Evolution of the clap / Tuesday is gonna suck

I’m going into school on Tuesday (I can’t even understand why!)  and I can just see it being a pile of rubbish. Basically, it’s a half day and therefore  many people won’t bother coming in and it consists of an assembly, lunch break and then an assembly. Just utterly pointless and unprofitable. The assemblies will […]