A “sorry”, a sewer and a social qualm.

Sorry for the lack of updates, the family have been busy lately; we’ve clearing crap from our lives. And no, that wasn’t a metaphor. Thanks to our pre-historic septic system our activity revolves around postponed plug-pulling and timely toilet flushes from now until a future when I also have a functioning shower and am fluent […]

“So I’m not one to gossip, but…”

This [the sentence above, duh] is possibly one of the most contradictory sentences ever as it is usually follow by a story that has been told twelve different times by 6 different people, swayed 4 different ways. Which is gossip. Basically, it’s utter rubbish. Let me give an Example: Ellie says “Mandy likes her dog” -This is […]

High School Immaturity

Some think teenagers have complex minds, and don’t understand why we feel the need to relate everything to sex. Ironically, we don’t either. It could be because it’s hilarious however it’s probably because everyone says we are like this, so we are. We follow the public opinion. To be honest I don’t think it’s because […]