
Today in French me and my neighbor were, let’s say, unentertainned by the task set before us. So we created our own. It all started when she wrote “meow!” in my book. With the eye-for-an-eye attitude I returned her serve with a “woof!”. And so the battle began. ggrrr! squeaak! *snap*! moo! oink! roar! hello! […]

Alors, Je suis en France maintenant…

So, I’m in France now… and things are très différent just now I can notice how énervant the keyboard is… c’est pas “QWERTY“, c’est “AZERTY” and there are autres choses , par exemple, they drive on the other side of the road and they eat beaucoup de fromage… Mmmmmm Cheese……….. Bisous! 

Lost in Translation

Here is some interesting Etymology. Of course, you already know what this word means so I don’t need to explain it. No? Well, it’s just where words originate from. Montenegro (A country in Europe) – This literally translates as “Black Mountain”. In a similar way Montecarlo translates as Charles’ mountain. Tikka Masala – TIKKA means […]