The Spaghetti Hoop Hooligan

This is a notice to all of my followers, I am not the thief as the title implies, just a slight boo-boo on my part. This post is to clarify that I did not intend to offend or drive King Arthur round the bend, that in actual fact you’re just not so lucky with spaghettios. […]

As the nights draw in and Halloween season creeps in behind us my favourite passtime becomes more acceptable. Watching movies! As a sleepover host yesterday, we baked wonderful whoopie pies and our table manners were tried and tested by the fabulous spaghetti bolognese. Later we even delved into the apocalypse style of things, playing scrabble […]

National Egg Salad week

National Egg Salad week So, if you didn’t know already (I mean, how could you not know?) 12th-18th April is National Egg salad week. People have been patriotically praising the starter by… well… um…celebrating!(Nobody actually knows so nobody does anything) I’m not the biggest fan (I hate the bloody stuff), but I reckon even those […]