
quote marks

Being in high school you do here a lot of comments that can make you giggle. Often they are just in-passing and probably as regular as any other conversation but this page is dedicated to funny things I hear.

“When I get nervous, I burp” – 12/11/2012

To be fair, we were about to go on stage and this did lift my spirits.

“…so that was my bi-curious experience of the week” – 12/11/2012

I’m glad I only caught the second half of that…

“…and then we can sell the baby for coke” – 14/11/2012

This one doesn’t even make sense.

“Haha squirrels are funny, but you’ve got to be careful with their balls…” – 16/11/2012

I hope he meant to say nuts, I really do.

“You can’t help but love my lunges!”  – 28/11/2012

Oh dear.

“This shop is so cute it makes me want to puke candy floss” – 16/12/2012

from Charlotte, who is full of witty comments (read her blog HERE)

“S’cuse me, I need to get to my potatoes” – 20/12/2012

There was a gift bag by my feet. She got potatoes for Christmas. Really.

“You could’ve cracked my pig!” – 21/12/2012

Cracked? Pig? Hers? What is going on?

“We’re a pretty hairy family” – 28/12/2012

That’s one way of describing us, I suppose.

“Fingers! Fingers! Everywhere” – 10/1/2013

Nothing rude intended, she was just talking about a mirror trick I do on my webcam.

“My hair smells like stale muffins” –  11/1/2013

Do they smell different to fresh ones?

“And then he asked me about Chinese food. I mean who’s heard of Chinese food?”

The Year 8s in our year never cease to amaze me.

That’s all for now!

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