
Today in French me and my neighbor were, let’s say, unentertainned by the task set before us. So we created our own. It all started when she wrote “meow!” in my book. With the eye-for-an-eye attitude I returned her serve with a “woof!”. And so the battle began. ggrrr! squeaak! *snap*! moo! oink! roar! hello! […]

You should feel guilty; it’s not that difficult.

This poor thing feels alone and unloved. If we stop using him, he’ll become like “Brabble“, “Younker” or “Frigorific“. Just a laughable element of the English language which is slowly disappearing; never to be seen again. Popular parody band, The Lonely Island did a song to raise awareness for this endangered part of punctuation.   But it […]

Another learning technique

So obviously there are many different ways to remeber things but personally, this type of thing helps me best. (which kind of sucks since I end up bursting into song in the middle of physics) Come to think of it, this is how we learnt the alphabet, the basis of language so it’s not just […]