A Valid Excuse?

It’s no secret that this blog has remained positively dormant for the past few months. I’d absolutely love to tell you that this hiatus has been due to some undefeatable and futile circumstance however, it would be like telling my doting maths teacher that my homework was eaten by my (long since gone) dog. It […]

Anticipation and Anger

I’ve been Tumbling down a very slippery slope that leads to Gordon Ramsey rage GIFs and inter-Fandom jokes and general internet joy. It’s been great.  In case you didn’t know, tonight is a pretty special, one that I’ve been waiting for a long time. And even though I’m told it’ll only last a minute, it […]

Shailene Woodley and my sanity

So, you may not recognise this chick now but soon enough she will become Jennifer Lawrence Junior. She stars in The Spectacular Now, a film released today and many other teenage-esque  flicks. The reason I am writing about her, though, is because she is set to star in The Divergent trilogy and The Fault in […]

A day trip to Brighton

First of all, it goes without saying that The Midnight Beast were INSANELY awesome yesterday and it was one of the best days of my life (so far!). But also, we noticed that Brighton’s just a little bit different. I think it had a lot to do with “The Great Escape” and “Brighton Fringe” but there were […]


So, I’ve done a few things in the past to help raise money for charity. Cake sales, Book sales, anything else sales, sponsored walks, Easter egg hunts, bag packing in Sainbury’s, stamp selling in Gordale, jazz nights, bingo nights. I thought, barring marathons, cycles or swims, I’d done pretty much all the activities I could […]


I love to tell funny little stories to lighten conversations, so I’d thought I’d share some of my favourites. I can’t say that all of them are definitely true and they may be somewhat embellished. 1. There was a couple in Ireland and they entered the lottery each week with their chosen numbers, for months […]