“Life is too easy for young people today. They lack challenges and don’t have to fight for anything”

Pressure. Whether to fit in or to have our 50-year-plan by thirteen years old, there is an awful lot of the stuff drowning in our hormones. The fear of being a failure is constant; we are encouraged to map our life out ahead of us whilst tentatively teetering around the downward spiral that is the […]

Duke of Edinburgh top tips…

Whilst doing my D of E over the weekend I rediscovered how boring walking is. No offence to people who have it as their hobby, I just find it incredibly tedious and blister-inducing. When walking on the endless conveyor belt that is The Wirral Way, I thought I’d share with you my top tips for making […]

Another learning technique

So obviously there are many different ways to remeber things but personally, this type of thing helps me best. (which kind of sucks since I end up bursting into song in the middle of physics) Come to think of it, this is how we learnt the alphabet, the basis of language so it’s not just […]