Any. Other. Colour.

Today was one of those days where we pay a pound to go to school and be frowned upon for not wearing a skimpy skater skirt or our outfit isn’t so fetch! But to make matters worse there was a criteria for today’s humiliation. Not only did we have to suffer for our un-on-trendiness we […]

Anticipation and Anger

I’ve been Tumbling down a very slippery slope that leads to Gordon Ramsey rage GIFs and inter-Fandom jokes and general internet joy. It’s been great.  In case you didn’t know, tonight is a pretty special, one that I’ve been waiting for a long time. And even though I’m told it’ll only last a minute, it […]

Why you should hate doors too…

Welcome to a buzzfeed-esque post. I know the posts recently have been a little short-lived so I thought y’all deserved I little love in the form of an incredibly thought-through, deep post. Here Goes. They look relatively harmless. Sometimes, people get a bit too extravagant and end up with a pretentious number of rectangles… You […]