North Yorkshire Moors

So I’m achy, sun burnt and blistered but we made it through. And on the last day, I wore a t shirt saying: “Sometimes if you want to see the rainbow you have to put up with the rain” And I felt it was quite a fitting t-shirt, well it fit just fine literally, but […]

You should feel guilty; it’s not that difficult.

This poor thing feels alone and unloved. If we stop using him, he’ll become like “Brabble“, “Younker” or “Frigorific“. Just a laughable element of the English language which is slowly disappearing; never to be seen again. Popular parody band, The Lonely Island did a song to raise awareness for this endangered part of punctuation.   But it […]


Gig. That’s a funny word. gig gig gig gig gig gig gig gig gig giiig giiiiiiiiiiiiiig. Giggidy.               I digress. As you know, I went to see my fav0urite band on Saturday, as you know also, it was EPIC. But being at my first standing concert I realised that there are a few cons to it. First of […]

A day trip to Brighton

First of all, it goes without saying that The Midnight Beast were INSANELY awesome yesterday and it was one of the best days of my life (so far!). But also, we noticed that Brighton’s just a little bit different. I think it had a lot to do with “The Great Escape” and “Brighton Fringe” but there were […]


So, I’ve done a few things in the past to help raise money for charity. Cake sales, Book sales, anything else sales, sponsored walks, Easter egg hunts, bag packing in Sainbury’s, stamp selling in Gordale, jazz nights, bingo nights. I thought, barring marathons, cycles or swims, I’d done pretty much all the activities I could […]