Lets all curl up in a hole because we’re teenagers.

When you watch the family rom-coms about temporary, petty divorces or affairs or people taking up obscure hobbies or getting fired or needing money or taking a vacation, something they are always highlighting is the featured character’s mid-life crisis. But no-one ever tells you about the crisis that starts in year 7 until you complete education. Just this week […]

You should feel guilty; it’s not that difficult.

This poor thing feels alone and unloved. If we stop using him, he’ll become like “Brabble“, “Younker” or “Frigorific“. Just a laughable element of the English language which is slowly disappearing; never to be seen again. Popular parody band, The Lonely Island did a song to raise awareness for this endangered part of punctuation.   But it […]

Speaking exam

So, if you’re reading this after 10:20 am I’ve had my French speaking exam and now I’m stressing about the Spanish… which is in two days D: So, of course I’ve written this post in advance and I wanted to smoothly link it in with the fact that I have a speaking exam, so here […]

A question.

Whilst *ahem* revising for my french the other day, I found myself fantasising about food, which is something I often do, and suddenly a question popped into my head: “Why do doughnuts have holes in the middle?” Now, I will answer this question via some quick research. I’ll be with you in a jiffy! Turns out, […]

Look what I made!

By some sort of fluke, I have tried something new without even trying! There is no video (sorry) and I know it’s late (again: I’m sorry) but some things haven’t panned out the way I wanted them to but I suppose, that’s life for you: perfectly uncontrollable. Anyway, I rediscovered something that I do almost […]