Evolution of the clap / Tuesday is gonna suck

I’m going into school on Tuesday (I can’t even understand why!)  and I can just see it being a pile of rubbish. Basically, it’s a half day and therefore  many people won’t bother coming in and it consists of an assembly, lunch break and then an assembly. Just utterly pointless and unprofitable. The assemblies will […]

Why you should hate doors too…

Welcome to a buzzfeed-esque post. I know the posts recently have been a little short-lived so I thought y’all deserved I little love in the form of an incredibly thought-through, deep post. Here Goes. They look relatively harmless. Sometimes, people get a bit too extravagant and end up with a pretentious number of rectangles… You […]


Gig. That’s a funny word. gig gig gig gig gig gig gig gig gig giiig giiiiiiiiiiiiiig. Giggidy.               I digress. As you know, I went to see my fav0urite band on Saturday, as you know also, it was EPIC. But being at my first standing concert I realised that there are a few cons to it. First of […]

Duke of Edinburgh top tips…

Whilst doing my D of E over the weekend I rediscovered how boring walking is. No offence to people who have it as their hobby, I just find it incredibly tedious and blister-inducing. When walking on the endless conveyor belt that is The Wirral Way, I thought I’d share with you my top tips for making […]