
As House Leader/Overton Bitch/Heir to the Overton Throne, I was asked to participate in an assembly. Frankly, I hadn’t done much yet in my role so I decided to go ahead with it.  The teacher had allocated us each an area to talk about and she would lead the assembly with a powerpoint glaring behind […]

Guy Fawkes

“Hey Grace! You totally forgot that it was bonfire night last night, didn’t you?” No… I just… ahem, thought that the spaghettio scoundrel was a more pressing matter! And indeed it was! Ok, so I acknowledge the fact that I may have forgotten until I heard the powers that be beat-boxing into the echoing sky […]


Stuck in a metal capsule with one hundred other excitable, slightly intoxicated human beings. Whether it’s the hen party in front or the foreign party beside, there’s bound to be some outstanding features in the characters around you. First of all:the hens. Shrieking about their “posh” vacation venue, the group of (in this case middle […]

When the pin drops…

It’s no secret that I’m disorganised, oblivious and quite frankly ignorant to the things that go on around me. However, I can’t let those elements of my character shine through on important days like these. Considering this, I got a good night’s sleep and I was prepared the next morning with all my stationery and […]

My Ideal Party

This is some rushed school work, sorry it’s not very entertaining I’ve been busy with making up for procrastinating so much 😀 Faces glow with warmth and the aroma of more pizza monopolises my nose. The hysteria of hosting isn’t burdening me; I can laugh without worrying someone doesn’t understand the jokes or doesn’t like […]