
So, I’m English and we don’t really celebrate thanksgiving but I thought it would be fitting today to thank everyone who reads my blog. And I mean everyone. All those who read it religiously because you’re a kind friend, a nice cousin or a good sister. Thank you. All those who read it once. Twice. Three […]

1 Year Old!

Let us start from the very beginning. It was a sunny day on 3rd June 1998 at 13:59, I was in character, late as always and C’est La Vie was number one. Okay, Grace nobody cares, let’s fast forward. Then came the millennium, moved house, I might of broken my nose, high school, French exchange, Brace, French Exchange, […]

Guy Fawkes

“Hey Grace! You totally forgot that it was bonfire night last night, didn’t you?” No… I just… ahem, thought that the spaghettio scoundrel was a more pressing matter! And indeed it was! Ok, so I acknowledge the fact that I may have forgotten until I heard the powers that be beat-boxing into the echoing sky […]

The Big Brownie Birthday

So, today I stood under a gazebo serving Tea, Coffee and hot chocolate in bumble bee attire for fun-run spectators. Everything was quite strange, like the changeable weather and the fact that I was stood in a field in Birkenhead dressed as a summer insect on the 2nd November. Along with the very words “fun” […]

Jolly independence day!

I won’t dwell on the subject because yesterday’s post was unhealthily long and I don’t know much about today’s date. Go ahead, light some fireworks for the USA. We are celebrating them separating from “the mother country” to leave for college. They were the typical kind of college guy: cocky and quite inviting *eyebrow wiggle*. […]

Products of Procrastination

Since I barely ever relate to the title of my blog, for my 100th post I thought I’d do something a little more special. These are my products of procrastination: Being crafty… So I tried this old ladies habit a few months back and borrowed the needles so I could complete my “scarf“. Borrowed is a term […]

My Ideal Party

This is some rushed school work, sorry it’s not very entertaining I’ve been busy with making up for procrastinating so much 😀 Faces glow with warmth and the aroma of more pizza monopolises my nose. The hysteria of hosting isn’t burdening me; I can laugh without worrying someone doesn’t understand the jokes or doesn’t like […]

Look what I made!

By some sort of fluke, I have tried something new without even trying! There is no video (sorry) and I know it’s late (again: I’m sorry) but some things haven’t panned out the way I wanted them to but I suppose, that’s life for you: perfectly uncontrollable. Anyway, I rediscovered something that I do almost […]