
So, for the sake of Ermantrude’s sanity I am currently in an internet cafe in a dreary, rainy “Tabooland”. And in the residence in the land of Taboo, there is an invisible gaping hole that is the lack of WiFi and television. Additionally, mostly the radio is hit and miss plus, it’s almost always in […]

As the nights draw in and Halloween season creeps in behind us my favourite passtime becomes more acceptable. Watching movies! As a sleepover host yesterday, we baked wonderful whoopie pies and our table manners were tried and tested by the fabulous spaghetti bolognese. Later we even delved into the apocalypse style of things, playing scrabble […]

Pot full o’ perks

So, yesterday I was enraptured into a youtube yoyo. Several hours and vlog brother videos later; I saw something so cute I nearly melted into a thousand kittens, love stories and Disney films. Vlog brothers did an advice video once upon a time in which real nerdfighters pose questions to the wonderful John Green. One […]

Indian Summer?

Going for a walk does everyone good. You can let of steam or simply bask in the brilliance of almost inaudible “Hi” s you get from strangers passing by plus there is an excellent satisfaction knowing that you’re willingly participating in this alien concept, a thing called exercise. But the type of walking I partook […]

Any. Other. Colour.

Today was one of those days where we pay a pound to go to school and be frowned upon for not wearing a skimpy skater skirt or our outfit isn’t so fetch! But to make matters worse there was a criteria for today’s humiliation. Not only did we have to suffer for our un-on-trendiness we […]

Lets all curl up in a hole because we’re teenagers.

When you watch the family rom-coms about temporary, petty divorces or affairs or people taking up obscure hobbies or getting fired or needing money or taking a vacation, something they are always highlighting is the featured character’s mid-life crisis. But no-one ever tells you about the crisis that starts in year 7 until you complete education. Just this week […]