A “sorry”, a sewer and a social qualm.

Sorry for the lack of updates, the family have been busy lately; we’ve clearing crap from our lives. And no, that wasn’t a metaphor. Thanks to our pre-historic septic system our activity revolves around postponed plug-pulling and timely toilet flushes from now until a future when I also have a functioning shower and am fluent […]

A Valid Excuse?

It’s no secret that this blog has remained positively dormant for the past few months. I’d absolutely love to tell you that this hiatus has been due to some undefeatable and futile circumstance however, it would be like telling my doting maths teacher that my homework was eaten by my (long since gone) dog. It […]


So, I’m English and we don’t really celebrate thanksgiving but I thought it would be fitting today to thank everyone who reads my blog. And I mean everyone. All those who read it religiously because you’re a kind friend, a nice cousin or a good sister. Thank you. All those who read it once. Twice. Three […]

“Life is too easy for young people today. They lack challenges and don’t have to fight for anything”

Pressure. Whether to fit in or to have our 50-year-plan by thirteen years old, there is an awful lot of the stuff drowning in our hormones. The fear of being a failure is constant; we are encouraged to map our life out ahead of us whilst tentatively teetering around the downward spiral that is the […]

1 Year Old!

Let us start from the very beginning. It was a sunny day on 3rd June 1998 at 13:59, I was in character, late as always and C’est La Vie was number one. Okay, Grace nobody cares, let’s fast forward. Then came the millennium, moved house, I might of broken my nose, high school, French exchange, Brace, French Exchange, […]

Guy Fawkes

“Hey Grace! You totally forgot that it was bonfire night last night, didn’t you?” No… I just… ahem, thought that the spaghettio scoundrel was a more pressing matter! And indeed it was! Ok, so I acknowledge the fact that I may have forgotten until I heard the powers that be beat-boxing into the echoing sky […]

The Big Brownie Birthday

So, today I stood under a gazebo serving Tea, Coffee and hot chocolate in bumble bee attire for fun-run spectators. Everything was quite strange, like the changeable weather and the fact that I was stood in a field in Birkenhead dressed as a summer insect on the 2nd November. Along with the very words “fun” […]