Tell me more, tell me more!

If you’ve come here you are probably in the middle of an endless string of blog reading and Kitler-viewing, as hard to break out of as a day dream – you know you should, you just can’t be bothered to get up and do something else. Anyway, you have landed in a very simple blog that is written by a not-so-normal teenage girl (because – let’s face it – none of us are normal) that is 0bssessed with a  parody band called The Midnight Beast and many other youtube sensations such as PewDiePie and GloZell. This shows how I waste away my half terms – by watching fat cats chase their tales thinking how easily they are amused, then realising I have spent the last half hour WATCHING them.

This blog probably won’t change your life, and it’s more like a short-term comedy than an on-going soap. You don’t need to read it everyday not only for the reason that I won’t post everyday but you don’t need to know anything about me to understand the posts. Hopefully they will be light-hearted and will brighten up your day.

I’m always happy to have comments and feel free to contact me with blog ideas etc.

Thanks for reading!!!

2 thoughts on “Tell me more, tell me more!

  1. Grace it’s Charlotte XD I just found your blog haha it’s so weird… Her’s mine, it has a slap in slow motion on as well as a monkey smelling it’s finger…. I’m such a weirdo

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