A “sorry”, a sewer and a social qualm.

Sorry for the lack of updates, the family have been busy lately; we’ve clearing crap from our lives. And no, that wasn’t a metaphor. Thanks to our pre-historic septic system our activity revolves around postponed plug-pulling and timely toilet flushes from now until a future when I also have a functioning shower and am fluent in 46 languages.

However, the promise of a functioning shower did fill me with zeal and so I brought up my excitement with some fellow classmates. Of course, being high school, the subject quickly turned down Vulgar Street, stopping at The Urination Station. It soon became evident that there are no boundaries set by society with regards to weeing in the shower. And all who claimed they hadn’t done the deed were met with disbelief and laughter.

So, as a group we decided that it is socially acceptable to have a tinkle in a shower. (Although this concept is completely the opposite when discussing baths ~outward shivers~).

In conclusion:
Our septic tank may never be fixed
I may never get a shower
But if I do, I am allowed to pee in it

That might just be the most intellectual piece of writing I have ever published.

Happy Tuesday guys!

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