A Valid Excuse?

It’s no secret that this blog has remained positively dormant for the past few months. I’d absolutely love to tell you that this hiatus has been due to some undefeatable and futile circumstance however, it would be like telling my doting maths teacher that my homework was eaten by my (long since gone) dog. It wouldn’t be true, and it wouldn’t be fair.

So, what can I tell you? Well, I skipped my way through a happy Christmas, a merry new year and a predictably arduous return to school. I’ve managed to stomach series 3 of Sherlock, So many feels!! (all the feels were felt) plus a second series of The Midnight Beast without collapsing from exposure to too much perfect. Job well done I’d say.

And as for my excuse, I suppose it would be rather graceless to not provide one. It was a little bit like a game of tetris, the more I stalled the more difficult it was to fit the bricks in and make it work. In plain English, I’m a lazy teenager.

It seems too late to say happy new year so… Happy Chinese New Year! I hope the year of the wooden horse offers you many opportunities and good fortune for you and your family.

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