
So, I’m English and we don’t really celebrate thanksgiving but I thought it would be fitting today to thank everyone who reads my blog. And I mean everyone.

All those who read it religiously because you’re a kind friend, a nice cousin or a good sister. Thank you.

All those who read it once. Twice. Three times. (A laaaaddddyy) Thank you.

All those who used to watch my Try Something New videos that abruptly stopped when I got bored* Thank you.

All those who, without knowing, helped me thousands of times by leading me to a topic for a post. Thank you.

All those who kept me writing it whenever I wanted to just give up. Thank you.

It’s been a long 382 days since I first started this blog, spending 20 minutes worrying that my first post would be too boring, too short, too fake. But now I know all I have to do is be myself and tell the truth.

Everyone for putting up with me. Thank you.

*got bored = got my GCSE work

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