The Big Brownie Birthday

The Big Brownie Birthday

So, today I stood under a gazebo serving Tea, Coffee and hot chocolate in bumble bee attire for fun-run spectators. Everything was quite strange, like the changeable weather and the fact that I was stood in a field in Birkenhead dressed as a summer insect on the 2nd November. Along with the very words “fun” and “run” seeming to juxtapose each other in ANY situation and the phrase “sopping straggle” would have been more appropriate.

Regardless, I actually had a nice morning chomping at free biscuits and warming the soul with a bit of Hot Chocolate. I even served a mayor and an MP – how tremendously random!

Also, I heard the saying “A watched pot never boils” – proved afterwards when we had to wait 40 mundane minutes for a kettle to bubble on the camp stove in the harsh winds.

Oh and I almost forgot – Happy Birthday Brownies!

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