Overton Princess

Princess? Who am I kidding? From now on I’ll probably be known as Overton Bitch.

So, you guys ought to have a little party in the name of me becoming Head Girl of Overton! Woo!

Honestly, I’m overjoyed and I am proud to be the successor of Last Year’s “Overton Queen” as she called herself although it will be downright difficult to fill her shoes…

I know I shouldn’t complain – how ungrateful would that be? But there is just this one tiny thing, it barely matters in the grand scheme of things. I probably shouldn’t even—

Just gonna interrupt myself there. It’s the the tie. Something I must wear everyday to school. Do you remember my last post about the colour orange? Well, it basically expressed how awkward the colour orange is. And guess what guys?

My tie looks like an advert for frickin’ Halloween.


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