Evolution of the clap / Tuesday is gonna suck

I’m going into school on Tuesday (I can’t even understand why!)  and I can just see it being a pile of rubbish. Basically, it’s a half day and therefore  many people won’t bother coming in and it consists of an assembly, lunch break and then an assembly. Just utterly pointless and unprofitable.

The assemblies will look a little like this:

At the start:

When my friend goes up:

Someone who wins something they don’t deserve:

By the end:

But it still carries on

So long it hurts

Moreover, (oooh! never used that one before) it’s going to be the final day of year ten. Which is automatically quite daunting to anyone since next year we will be the oldest in the school and wait for it – we “set an example” for lower school (yeah good luck with that one). Additionally, if all goes according to plan, this milestone also indicates my last year in England. I mean, I know I’ll only be a 45 minute plane journey away however, it is still quite a sobering thought for me.

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