Why you should hate doors too…

Welcome to a buzzfeed-esque post.

I know the posts recently have been a little short-lived so I thought y’all deserved I little love in the form of an incredibly thought-through, deep post. Here Goes.

They look relatively harmless.

Just a normal door.

Sometimes, people get a bit too extravagant and end up with a pretentious number of rectangles…

A door with lots of rectangles

You see, it’s the getting from A to B thing with which we have issues.

A sim exclaiming about how he doesn't want to go through the door

Even though they can be fun, granted.

Just sometimes, they get all up in your grills

A door with a "pull" sticker on and a caption saying "I'll push if I want to".

Or perhaps not…

A girl just slammed into a glass door. milkshake everywhere and he face is squished.

So you push the life outta a different door to prove your point

That’ll show ’em


Numerous tactics they take. Example number 1. The Rugby Tackle

Example number 2. The False Hope

Example number 3. The Disguise

But sometimes it’s the smaller things…

A door with the handle broken off

And this kind of thing is tres risky

Finger in between door and door frame.

As is this.

A toe very close to severe pain by stubbing on the door

They creep us out at night

And so you’re all like

Finally, you take the plunge

Only to discover…

A never ending hallway of doors.


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