A day trip to Brighton

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Europe’s leading festival for new musicBrighton Fringe posterThe cause of craziness

First of all, it goes without saying that The Midnight Beast were INSANELY awesome yesterday and it was one of the best days of my life (so far!).

But also, we noticed that Brighton’s just a little bit different. I think it had a lot to do with “The Great Escape” and “Brighton Fringe” but there were some crazy shenanigans going on. So I thought I’d list them. Because we all love lists.

The queue. So I love The Midnight Beast (Have I said that already?) but I wasn’t aware how many other people love them too, I mean the queue was packed full – too-short shorts, crazy hair dye and awful tops that show your bras (basically teenagers). We even made the news for blocking roads!

Famous things. We saw an invention that pours exactly a glass of water. It was on a programme but sadly I’ve forgotten what it was called. It was famous anyways.Oh yeah, in the middle of everything Bastille walked passed us. Yeah, no big deal.

Street performers. Among this crowd were some rather attractive  men doing a dance where they removed the majority of their clothing. How cultural. Another hippie blew bubbles in the street, as you do. Also, there were a group of people going slowly. Just doing everything in slow motion, literally for no apparent reason.

Promoters. Brighton Fringe was just down the road so there were lots of people persuading us to go. The most intriguing, perhaps was a man blindfolded and perfectly still with his arm outstrecthed holding a leaflet, once someone took it out of his hand he’d simply get another one. Creepy yet clever.

The public. It sounds pretty terrible when I put it like that but I saw a 60 year old with bright purple hair. And people strolled the street with jingle bells strapped to their knees and one guy was in a pink dressing gown.

But honestly, it was refreshing not to see everyone on their ipads and having a bit of a laugh. And Brighton had a different feel to it, slightly exotic maybe? Lets just say I would return to the quirky town if I got the chance.

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