
Hey y’all!

About three hours ago, Ofsted told Neston High School that they will be paying us a little visit tomorrow. Of course, by “little” I mean massive and by “visit” I mean massacre. For the teachers it will probably be a long night, camping in the staff rooms making sure the books are marked and the targets are set.

Seriously though the Ofsted way of doing things isn’t necessarily the best way. It could be the proper and correct way but what if I don’t feel like spending my lesson time copying down a learning objective? (Which I will never refer back to by the way) And it’s an assessment on the school and staff, so why, at the end of the day, were we told to be extra careful about our behavior?

Despite all this moaning, at least they gave us short notice this time therefore the huge show that every school puts on won’t be so rehearsed and just a tad more realistic than usual. Plus, I respect that this is stressful for all the teachers involved.

I reckon we should all go out onto the field and have our lessons standing up. That way we will surely get an outstanding!

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