Duke of Edinburgh top tips…

It never ends….

Whilst doing my D of E over the weekend I rediscovered how boring walking is. No offence to people who have it as their hobby, I just find it incredibly tedious and blister-inducing. When walking on the endless conveyor belt that is The Wirral Way, I thought I’d share with you my top tips for making the time pass faster…

1. Have a good old gossip. Preferably about someone you know is not close by, have a good old moan about  how she shouldn’t have done that, especially with him because of her.

2. Food! Food is the best! Carry some sweets to suck or some crisps to crunch. Exercising your jaw should distract you from walking. Also, it stops you from talking too much.

3. Games. It sounds so silly saying “games” but I don’t mean I-spy more like “Who would win in a fight between …?” OR “Snog, marry, avoid?” It’s not all that embarrassing and you can have a laugh.

4. Now, this one will make some cringe. Sing. (Oh yes, I went there!) But in actual fact this is a terrible suggestion because it uses up your energy, can be incredibly annoying to others and is a little embarrassing. But hey ho!

5. Just don’t give up. Look, I know it feels like your feet are just two bags of hard-skinned puss balloons but you will get there eventually. Think how painful it would be to walk so far, cripple your hips and still not finish. If I got to the end of my Bronze practice, pretty sure anyone can do anything!

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