
You know that moment when everyone thinks you’re stupid because you didn’t know some trivial fact? Well to save you from that I thought I’d list a few things that you’re just “supposed to know” from birth:

  • “Pop” music is actually short for popular music, so in reality could be classed as anything.
  • Flo-Rida the rapper’s name is just Florida, the state, pronounced differently.  “Will I am” is a play on the name “William” and The Rolling Stones taken literally means Rock and Roll
  • The “Space Raiders” crisps are meant to resemble the alien’s faces
  • Apt is a short version of appropriate
  • Flu and influenza are the same thing
  • WC stands for Water closet
  • In the UK, number plates on cars are yellow on the front and white on the back
  •  “codger” is a merging of coffin dodger

When you feel like wasting more time, the blog’s always here! 😀

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