Look what I made!

Look what I made!

By some sort of fluke, I have tried something new without even trying!

There is no video (sorry) and I know it’s late (again: I’m sorry) but some things haven’t panned out the way I wanted them to but I suppose, that’s life for you: perfectly uncontrollable.

Anyway, I rediscovered something that I do almost every Christmas, I make a tree decoration. This particular knickknack though is basically an orange stabbed with a truckload of cloves. Personally, I tie ribbon round it, put it on the tree thus it makes the sitting room smell all Christmassy and doesn’t look too bad. Honestly, it’s that simple but if you want fancy instructions just click on the picture.

So I know I am utterly unpunctual with my “try something new” s however that will become one of my new year’s resolutions (besides better manners, keeping up with work, stay cheery, don’t eat too much, STOP PROCRASTINATING [i.e with thoroughly unnecessary lists on your blog] etc).

Anyway, Have a fantabulous Christmas! Nevertheless, I’ll post before New Year…

I couldn’t leave without at least one Christmas gag:

How do you make an idiot laugh on Boxing Day?
Tell them a joke on Christmas Eve!

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